"Merangsang Kehidupan Yang Sihat"

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera, Alhamdulilah...Air Minuman Herba yang di rumus khas oleh seorang anak jati Melaka. Beliau telah mendapat ramuan/formula ketika berada di Pulau Besar, Melaka. Sebelum ini beliau pernah berkongsi rahsia formula dalam menghasilkan produk minuman kesihatan berasaskan raja herba yang hangat diperkatakan di pasaran. Kini beliau sendiri muncul dengan satu produk yang diperhalusi proses penyediaan dan pemilihan herba daripada hasil penyelidikan yang lebih terperinci secara tradisional. Walau bagaimana pun, hasil ciptaan produk ini boleh didapati dengan harga yang murah, disamping niat dapat membantu mengurangkan kos kepada umum dalam merangsang kehidupan yang sihat untuk setiap golongan terutama yang berpendapatan rendah. Insyallah semoga dengan niat yang ikhlas dapat membantu mengurangkan beban penyakit yang ditanggung oleh mereka yang kurang kemampuan.Wassalam...

English Version

Herbal drinks Alfiat 
"Herbal drink mix Brucea amarissina and Strobilanthes Crispus"  

Assalamualaikum & Greetings, Alhamdulilah ... Herbal Drinking Water in a special formula of a child's sense of Malacca. He was getting the ingredients / formula during the stay in Pulau Besar, Melaka. Before this, he shared his secret formula to produce products based health drink warm herbal king dealt with in the market. Now he himself appeared with a refined product supply process and the selection of herbs from the more detailed research in traditional medicine. However, the creation of this product available at a cheap price, while the intention to help reduce the cost to the public in stimulating a healthy life for all people, especially low income. Insyaallah hopefully with a sincere intention to help reduce the disease burden borne by those who are less afford.Wassalam ...


ALFIAT herbal drink is a new product based on traditional herbal recipes that have been practiced by people in this country for years. The study was conducted on the use of various herbs to produce a special ingredient that has proven its effectiveness in preventing or controlling chronic diseases a high number of people in our country. A number of herbal mixtures that are blended with a certain measure to wrap up a variety of nutrients used.


Helps blood flow. 
Helps reduce body fatigue. 
Helps improve immune. 
Assist the removal of toxic residues from the body. 
Help lubricate the joints. 
Helps increase production of sex hormones and the problem of weak syawat. 
Helps reduce heart problems, gout, kidney stones and constipation.  

Appropriate practice for people with health problems such as:

High Blood Pressure 
Batu Karang 
Heart Disease 
Joint Diseases 
Sex Disease 
Piles / pain / Constipation 
Sensitive Skin / Allergies Asthma / Semput 
Blood flow and the intimacy of husband and wife relationship


For further information please contact: 

Ridzuan: +6013-3360 360 
Razif: +6019-6633 360 
Rasydi: +6019-4457 679 
Faidzal: +6019-3737 406  

Nutrition in Medicine


PECAH BELING or scientific name or Saricocalix Strobilanthes crispus crispus (Acanthaceae) is a plant originating from Madagascar to Indonesia and have been identified for the first time by Thomas Anderson (1832-1870) who classify plants under Spermatophyta (flowering plants and gymnosperma) . Leaves in breach of porcelain known, Enyoh Kilo, Kecibeling or Kejibeling in Indonesia. In Australia, this tree is known by the name of Breaking Glass, porcelain or breach of Jin Batu. Trees are planted and grow easily in Malaysia. The leaves have been used traditionally to treat cancer, diabetes and gallstones as well as agents Diuretics.

This plant has a high content of calcium carbonate and boil water weak alkaline. The study by Kusumoto and colleagues (1992) states that the water extract or breach of porcelain has a molecular compound that is able to retarded growth of Retrovirus; agents in viral infections such as acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and is also able to retarded growth of leukemia cells. There are many compounds that have been isolated and identified as Kafeik acid, P-hydroxy acid Benzoik, Acid P-Voumarik, Vanillik acid, Gentinik acid, acid and acid Ferulik Siringik.

From laboratory studies conducted by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), spring Break porcelain has a very high content of minerals such as potassium (51%), Calcium (24%), sodium (24%), Iron (1 %) and phosphorus (1%). The leaves also contain Vitamins C, B1, B2 is relatively high, and many other materials such as Katekin and Tannin. The leaves also contain caffeine, but its content is low. All the content shown to contribute to the total level of Antioxidants (Total antioxidant Activity) is very high when compared with Yerbamate (herbal tea) and Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol).

For anticancer research, the Praklinikal study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the extracts in vitro Breaking porcelain (tissue culture) and In Vivo (Animal Studies). For tissue culture studies, extracts of breach of porcelain act effectively retarded the growth of colon cancer cells, liver cancer and Breast Cancer. This extract is able to induce cancer cells to kill cancer cells is a natural death (apoptosis) without side effects or irritation. In addition, extracts of breach of porcelain is also capable of suppressing genes cause cancer, thereby reducing the risk and severity of cancer. For animal studies, the water extract at concentration of breach of porcelain 2.5% and 5% are able to reduce the severity of liver cancer in rats induced liver cancer.

Fitosterol (from plant sterols) have been successfully isolated from the leaves of breach of this shard. This material has proven to be able to retarded growth of cancer cells as mentioned above. This material is also said to be able to lower blood cholesterol levels because Fitosterol will compete with cholesterol in the intestine, thus causing Cholesterol from food is not absorbed.

Broken porcelain leaf water extract was also tested for their efficacy as agents Antidiabetis induced diabetes in rats. Broken porcelain leaf extract at concentration of 5% and 7.5% are able to lower blood sugar levels and increase levels of total Antioxidant (Total antioxidant level) for the blood of rats induced diabetes or diabetes. Extracts had no effect on blood sugar levels in normal rats, but is able to increase the total level of Antioxidants (Total antioxidant level). Increased levels of total Antioxidant (Total antioxidant level) in the blood is essential to protect the body from free radicals. Thus, this extract is suitable not only for those who are sick, but also for normal people.


Herbaceous plant known as bitter or MELADA Brucea amarissina scientific name is herbaceous plants and woody shrubs. The highest it can grow between five to six feet. Habitat is the area that receives direct sun cabaya. Melada Bitter Leaf shape and fine serrated at the edges. The leaves are dark green and finely hairy but when it matures, its color changes to yellow.

However, according to Head of the Institute of Biological Sciences University of Malaya, Assoc. Mohamed Abdul Majid, trees, already has its own properties in herbal medicine, particularly in the treatment of diarrhea, fever, skin diseases, rheumatism and venomous insect bites. He said the plant is used extensively by the Chinese community in particular to treat diarrhea. Way is to take some bitter melada seeds dried and pounded until fine. Material is mixed with a glass of boiled water and then drunk. But it's very bitter. Use it just as it has been proven effective through scientific research carried out by a German company Merck in 1901.

Study at the Institute of Medical Research in Taiwan show that there are some substances that kill bacteria that cause diarrhea (Amoebic Dysenteiy). "They found a substance that can treat diarrhea in the pips and bark," says Assoc. Mohamed. Latest of all, he adds, the study is being conducted in Hong Kong and Thailand to extract the anticancer substances from Melada bitter.

For the treatment of skin diseases and poisonous insect bites, Assoc. Mohamed said that this treatment method using the leaves, all done by the Malays and Javanese. "Take a few leaves of fresh bitter Melada and pounded until fine. Then, add a little lime and rub in a skin disease or insect bite is poisonous, "he said.

Weekly newspaper quoted from Malaysia

This tree is known as the rural ulcer medication, most people know that the east coast of the bepenyakit boils will heal after a bitter fruit melada. In the early days of sick women, breast abscess (now known as breast cancer) will be fed fruit bitter Melada next morning and night. These days many people have continued the practice of leaving the remains of our ancestors.

(Home: Brucea javanica well known in rural areas as carbuncle medicine and it is Proven very effective. Before the arrival of modern medicine women with Breast cancer will be asked to eat the fruits in the morning and evening to Cure the disease. Sadly, nowadays The tree has been forgotten and people depend solely on modern medicine)

In 1900 Dr Mouget of France has healed 871 of 879 patients 'dysentery' using Melada bitter due to Chinese people using them.

(Home: In1900, a French doctor, Dr Mouget of Saigon limit reported that he cured the limit of 871 out of 879 cases of dysentery by using Brucea, because the Chinese used it.)